Ripollsworkshop Reads

Author Interview with James Bailey

Episode Summary

Welcome back to this weeks author interview. This week our host Courtney meets with James Michael Bailey author of "The Diary of a Manic OCD Bookseller". Learn about some of Mr. Bailey's books he grew up reading, about his book as well as advice for those aspiring readers and writers. Happy Reading and Writing

Episode Notes

Author Bio:
James Michael Bailey was born in Arkansas City, Kansas, USA. He is known for Back Roads (1981), CHiPs (1977) and The Ponder Heart (2001).


00:15 Introduction
00:46 What are your books about?
1:32 What inspired you to write your book?
3:03 When writing your book, who is the book for?
3:38 How long have you been writing?
5:22 What is your schedule like when you are writing your books?
6:07 What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?
6:36 Favorite writing snack or drink?
8:40 What are some of your favorite books?
9:07 Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become an author?
10:58 What type of books did you grow up reading? Did you have an all time favorite?
11:59 Any advice for someone just starting out reading again?
12:35 Any advice for someone just starting to write their own book?
14:41 Any additional comments?

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Our Host Courtney Ripoll-McBride
Music Created/Episode Mastered By: Patrick McBride