Ripollsworkshop Reads

Author Interview with Roger Knecht

Episode Summary

Join us on our Thursday author interview as our host engages with Roger Knecht, author of "Your Profit & Growth Expert" and many more. Learn about what inspired him to write his books, captivating advice for those aspiring readers and writers. Happy Reading and Writing!

Episode Notes

Author Bio:
Roger Knecht is the president of Universal Accounting Center.
He's a driven and competitive executive with more than 20 years of marketing,
sales, HR & operation experience. He has a deep analytical understanding of
the selling process & sales cycle. Knowledgeable in the solution sales
approach applying the principles from “Cut to the Chase” and B.A.N.K. He has a
strong work ethic & collaborative style that delivers reliable,
high-quality outcomes for employees & customers.

Roger has helped accountants, bookkeepers, and tax preparers
start and build their own successful accounting firms getting the training,
certifications, and coaching they need to become the Profit & Growth Experts for their clients as the premier accounting firm in their area.

Connect with Roger Knecht

00:15 Introduction
00:33 What are your books about?
1:00 What inspired you to write your books?
1:32 Who are your books for?
2:06 How long have you been writing?
2:51 What is your schedule like when you are writing?
3:35 What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?
4:10 In the books are the accounting terms broken down for anyone to understand?
4:57 Do you have a favorite writing snack or drink?
5:22 What books do you personally enjoy reading?
5:51 Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?
6:46 What books did you grow up reading?
7:22 Now as an adult do you have any favorite books or authors?
8:07 Do you have any advice for someone just starting to read again?
9:01 What would you tell someone just starting to write their own book?
10:15 Any additional comments?
11:33 Where is the best place for readers to connect with you?