Ripollsworkshop Reads

Author Interview with Teresa Mosley Sebastian

Episode Summary

Join us on our Thursday author interview as our host engages with Teresa Mosley Sebastian, author of "Lost Seeds: The Beginning ". Learn about what inspired her to write her book, captivating advice for those aspiring readers and writers. Happy Reading and Writing!

Episode Notes

Author Bio
Teresa Sebastian is an attorney, entrepreneur, and law school professor. She seeks to make a difference in the environment and culture through her involvement with nonprofit community and corporate boards. Teresa believes spiritual words and the sounds of nature soothe the inner being, define a place of peace, and inspire her creative writing. She has always been compelled to put words to the human life she sees around her. Lost Seeds: The Beginning is her first novel.

Connect with Teresa Mosley Sebastian

00:15 Introduction
00:49 What is your book about?
3:14 What inspired you to write your book?
5:59 When writing your book, who were you thinking of when it comes to who your book is for?
7:17 How long have you been writing?
9:22 What is your schedule like when you are writing a book?
10:49 What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?
12:39 Do you have a favorite writing snack or drink?
13:29 What type of books do you enjoy reading?
14:37 Are there any books or writers that inspired you to become an author?
15:40 What books did you grow up reading? Did you have an all-time favorite?
16:45 Now as an adult do you have any favorite series or authors?
18:12 Any advice for someone just starting to read again?
20:00 What sort of advice would you give to someone just starting to write their own book?
21:28 What is one thing that people are generally surprised to find out about you?
22:32 Any additional comments?
23:12 Where is the best place for our readers to connect with you?